
  1. L

    National exam study guides - help!!!!!!!

    I just received notification that I can take my national exam and to be honest I scheduled it for the first available date and now I am stressing out!!!!! The exam is coming up and truthfully I do not feel that my school did justice to the educational process that needed to be met (I have a...
  2. F

    Reflexology case study in Aylesbury area

    Hello, I have a friend who would love to be a case study for reflexology. Unfortunately, he lives a little bit too far from me to have weekly treatments so I suggested being a case study for someone in his area, which he thought was a great idea. He lives in the Aylesbury area and is in his...
  3. Pompal 09.

    Home Study Courses?

    HI everyone, I want to learn equine massage and possibly canine massage later on. I have looked at every school imaginable. But there is a twist to my situation and I'm hoping some of you may be able to help me. I have 4 kids, 10, 7, 2, and 10 months, and cannot leave my fulltime job to...
  4. H

    Case study needed please

    Hi all i have asked about needing a case study on here recently but now i need another one! I am studying reflexology with AOR, Jubilee College at the moment and need someone to treat who is available for 10 consequtive (sp?) sessions - once weekly. I live in Derby so someone near would...
  5. P

    case study help

    hey guys need a little help with case studies. i have my notes from each client on what i found but im having trouble putting it into words or paragraphs. for example: client one had crystals in the chest and heart area and the ovaries were puffy and warm in temperature. the stomach had a...
  6. S

    help with case study please

    Hi i have a case/client study with lower back pains. this i feels is due to poor posture and incorrect lifting. she has no hot spots on her feet and the only response i got from her was tingling in her lower back.. i have to do a treatment plan and im stuck. i have Adrenal glands to Promote...
  7. J

    aromatherapy blending home study course

    Hi i am qualified in aromatherapy level 3 (pre-blend oils) and was looking for a course to study at home to learn how to blend oils. would this be level 4? does anyone know of any?
  8. N

    Questions asked by my case study lady - can you help ?

    Hi Can anyone help me please - I'm doing my case studies and was asked these questions by my lady so would like to know:- How could the action of hormones be contra-indicated to a treatment ? Also what is hirsutism ? Fluid balance in the body - what is it ? - Thanks v...
  9. goodheart19512007

    CASE STUDY - Hay Fever

    Hi, I am in the process of doing my case studies and wodered whether to usemy son. He is 12 years old and suffers with Hay Fever. He has recently started taking Piriton daily. Dont know whether to use this sympton. My thoughts are that I would concentrate on sinuses etc andleave out digestive...
  10. A

    Case studies - client study

    Hi everyone, Need some help please!! I am in the process of writing up those dreaded case studies, and need help in particular with the client studies that you complete 3 times when doing an AOR course. Has anyone got a copy of their conclusion for a client study that they have...
  11. B

    Reflexology and Infertility study

    Some time ago (around 2001 from what I can gather), as study was undertaken on 150 people who were given reflexology instead of fertility drugs. However I cant find the results/report on this study - does anyone happen to know where I might be able to find it, or anything similar? Many...
  12. I

    ITEC Case Study & hand reflexology

    Hi All, Hope the New Year finds you all well! Quick question: I'm currently studying ITEC Diploma in Reflexology. I have a potential case study who will not tolerate her feet being touched and will only consider hand reflexology. I think this would be a great case study, as it provides...
  13. G

    Case Study - vomiting blood/blood in stools

    Hi there, I need a bit of advice. I'm currently training to be a reflexologist and one of my good friends is a case study for me. I've given him twotreatments so far, and he had a lot of tender points on his feet, in particular : ascending colon on right foot small intestine both...
  14. M

    Cadaver Study Tips and Reflections

    I just had my first cadaver study for school this weekend (with a focus on muscles, we've got another one on viscera coming up in August), and I thought I'd post some thoughts for others who will be going through the same experience. 1. Visit ahead, if you can. We had two groups in our cadaver...
  15. B

    Case study dilemma !

    Dear foot folks,[/align][/align]I have a case study dilemma! She has had hip and leg pain for some time but has not been to the doctor, nor seems to want to.[/align][/align]When it comes to researching the presenting condition for the case study, as well asorthodox approaches, treatment etc, I'm...
  16. S

    Case Study Swap

    Hello to all those who are currently in case study hell! I have four completed (5 treatments per person) and am in process of going mad, so was thinking it might be helpful to take a look at some fresh work. If anyone is interested swaping my four for your four that would be great. Don't care...
  17. H

    case study - 'nodules' over intestine area

    hi there - am currently doing a case study who has very significant small nodules (about 3 on each foot) over her intestine area which are extremely tender. She holds a lot of stress and has problems with digestion etc....but nodules! I've felt tension, solid congestion etc but never small hard...
  18. R

    Oils to aid study concentration

    Hi everyone - my teenage daughter is now beginning her study for her up and coming exams. Can anyone recommend oils to use in a burner to help her focus and keep up concentration levels? thanks, Janice
  19. R

    Case Study Questions-Help please

    Hi there everyone. Can I just say how useful I have found this forum. I keep logging on when I am supposed to be studying!!!Anyway, at the moment I am doing my case studies for my reflexology qualification. Here are my questions which I hope I can get some help with. 1) Do you tend to...
  20. S

    Case study help needed - fallopian tube reflex

    Hello. I'm training to be a reflexologist and am working on my first case study at the moment (let's call her X). On the third session with X I felt a popping sensation on her right foot next to her lateral anklewhen working her fallopian tube/lower lymph reflex (so I was caterpillar walking...