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  1. A

    How long do i have to wait to chat a boy on facebook again?

    The convo went okay last time but i don't know him at all i just thought he was a cute boy in my school, so i added him on facebook and chatted him. How long should i wait to chat him again? or should i just leave it because its creepy? PLEASE HELP! thank you (:
  2. S

    How long do I have to wait to introduce my kitten to my friends?

    I'm getting a kitten on Friday, and of course all my friends can't wait to meet him. Is it okay to have friends over Saturday and Sunday? or is this too overwhelming? Should I maybe wait a week to introduce new people? Thanks.
  3. J

    Why does Shakespeare wait until the following scenes,,after act 1,scene 1 to...

    ...introduce Othello? Othello coursework help-A level I need help answering this as I am not sure whether he does it to show the villainy of Othello,make the audience sympathetic for Othello,or something else.Confused It is As coursework :) The essay question is "to what extent do the events of...
  4. B

    why do they say wait until 2 to introduce shellfish and peanuts?

    I was just curious...can exposing them to these foods earlier actually make them more susceptible to developing an allergy? I haven't given my 15 month old either yet, as my sister is allergic to both, but I was just curious as to why 2 was the perscribed age.
  5. M

    Do I have to wait until my son has teeth and can chew before introducing...

    ...him to meats? I read somewhere that said meats should really be the first "solid" foods introduced, especially in breastfed babies. And I do breastfeed my son. He'll be about 5-6 months before I start giving him solids. But how do I go about introducing meats to him? Pureeing them? Can I...
  6. B

    How long can the tories wait until they introduce their favourite...

    ...weapon,raising interest rates, upto 16? 16%,THEY MUST BE SQUIRMING INTO THEIR SEATS WAITING,will they wait until the cuts and restrictions in housing association bite and people are forced to buy or will it be too tempting for them
  7. C

    How long do I need to wait to introduce the new cat?

    I recently adopted a stray cat and I already have an indoor cat. How long do I need to wait before I introduce the new cat to the one I currently have?
  8. Anon

    How long to wait before introducing people?

    how long should a person wait to introduce the person you are dating to your family? Is it ok to take the person to a family gathering?
  9. M

    How long after a massage should you wait to consume alcohol?

    I have a massage appointment at 2:00 and a Girl's Night Out tonight. Is there a rule as to how long after a massage you are supposed to wait before consuming alcoholic beverages?
  10. C

    How long should I wait before introducing a new dog to the kitten?

    My roommate bought an Abyssinian kitten a while ago. He was finally ready to leave the breeder and he came home on December 26, 2009. He was about 3 months old then. We have no other pets and I was wondering how long it would take for the kitten to settle in because I would like to adopt a dog...
  11. T

    Do i have to wait to introduce a turtle to a new pond?

    Were putting a small pond in my backyard and my kids have decided they want a turtle. I was wondering if after i get the pond in if i will need to wait a while before i put the turtle in or if i can just put it in that day?
  12. L

    How long would you wait to introduce your partner?

    To your parents?