
  1. K

    How long do I have to wait before I can introduce a new solid food to my 6 month old?

    He has had 3 days worth of cereal, and I feel like he isn't really enjoying it. I plan on making my own baby food and want to start with sweet potato, but I've heard that you are supposed to wait a little bit in between introducing new foods. So how much longer should I give him cereal...
  2. N

    How long did you wait before introducing your newborn...?

    Hello :) I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my first little girl, Aaliyah Jocelyn, and my husband and I were just talking about who we wanted to be at the hospital after shes born. Honestly, I don't want any visitors at all. I would really prefer that the first two or three weeks after Aaliyah is born...
  3. K

    How long do I have to wait before I can introduce a new solid food to my 6 month old?

    He has had 3 days worth of cereal, and I feel like he isn't really enjoying it. I plan on making my own baby food and want to start with sweet potato, but I've heard that you are supposed to wait a little bit in between introducing new foods. So how much longer should I give him cereal...
  4. M

    Wait. What? Another Northland Review???

    Fuck me. How many times does my friend say he's not going there again. I guess it will be one more time he has to be told. At least the talent has improved. Prices aren't the greatest but luckily my friend has mad bargaining skillz. Or perhaps it should be mad reasoning skillz. It...
  5. R

    How long should I wait to introduce my girlfriend to my child?

    I have been dating her since June 8. I have my son every second Saturday night, he's 2. I tried to bring her to pick him up on June 10 but my ex wouldn't allow it so soon. How long do I need to wait? Mostly we go to clubs and drink but I'm sure she's great with kids. I'm not allowed to have...
  6. T

    Angelina - Worth the wait!!

    I originally contacted Angelina about 10 days ago to try to set something up... tried 3 times and each time was never able to get an appointment confirmed... I was about to give up and then decided to try once more... finally, SUCCESS! I'm not the type of person to jump blindly into a...
  7. L

    first review..but Christina was worth the wait!

    Well, after being a long-time lurker I've decided to post my first review. I've been a hobbyist of SP's and MP's for years now and have learned a great deal from massageplanet.net and have got some great tips from you out there. I know I'm not reviewing someone new but I had recently read that...
  8. Pompal 09.

    Tempted by the other MPA's as you wait in sitting area.

    I have decided to arrive a bit earlier to appointments so that I can check out the other MPA's while I sit and wait. Today at SRM, I was tempted by the other MPA's as they walked by and smiled to "advertise" their sexy bodies and faces. These ladies are dressed to kill. They dress so sexy...
  9. L

    how long would you wait to introduce?

    your significant other to your parents?
  10. T

    Wait Time

    How long do you wait for before the MPA enters the room?
  11. V

    MPAs - preference on how we wait?

    Question for the MPA ladies here - do you have any preference on how we wait for you after we shower? Just curious as to whether you prefer one over the other...standing? sitting on the table? lieing down? towel on?
  12. B

    How long should i wait till i facebook chat this girl again.?

    So i met a girl at a party, So i messaged her on facebook and it went i guess not bad. So it ended. But i wanna talk again. When should i chat her again not to make it be creepy. How long should i wait? chances are i will never see her unless i invite her to hangout
  13. Jewel

    This question is aimed at guys. When youre on facebook do you ever wait for the girl

    you like to chat you 1st? Just wondering. But when you are on facebook, and the girl you like is on also, do you wait for her to chat you? and if she signs off without chatting you, do you sign off too?
  14. A

    How long can you wait to introduce solid foods?

    Can you exclusively breast feed (no other foods) for an entire year? Is that healthy, or do they require pureed baby foods after they turn 6 months old?
  15. Z

    how long should one wait before they introduce their bf to their parents?

    (i was thinking like 1yr but my boyfriend was insulted) i just don't want to introduce him to my family and break up a few weeks later
  16. M

    How do you wait?

    After you shower, and before the MPA walks in, how do you wait? Lying on the table, butt naked and face down? Lying on the table with a towel covering you? Standing with a towel wrapped around you?
  17. K

    Should I ask him out or wait for someone to introduce me to him?

    I love visiting theatre, but no matter how often I've been there I've never seen one actor until then...the day when I wouldn't get my eyes off him. I rarely feel so attracted to someone. So I tell my friend and she tells me that she knows who knows him, there's a chance for me to meet him in...
  18. M

    How long should I wait before introducing my two gerbils?

    I have one gerbil named Spice, who I've had for about 10 months (but I'm not sure how old he really is). He's small compared to the new one I just bought cause his tail's width is definitely smaller than my new one. I got another gerbil yesterday and his name is Pepper. Pepper seems more like an...
  19. Tukmyhamster

    Just wait 'till you see their neighbors

    i liked it lol
  20. S

    How long do you wait to introduce a man to your children?

    In the past I wouldn't do it all. Now that they are getting older it's becoming more difficult to keep my personal life from them. I think I should be in a relationship for at least six months before bringing a relationship into my childrens lives. What do you think?