REAL massage , spa / tanning , exercise trainer , life coach

REAL massage , spa / tanning , exercise trainer , life coach


SAVIOUR SPA ... why not spend a little to get your NRG , vitality, virility, & vigor back ..?? A healing touch of care..Great for hardworking / exercised / exhausted people that are getting depleted and need help. We have/offer (ALL BASIC) natural sun tanning, supervised stretching , swimming & boxing instruction, weights, skin & nail treatments . Protein shakes infused w berries, collagen , honey , fresh nuts , & other important vitamins . Super tasty and HI QUALITY/FRESH gourmet meals & salads also available to compliment activities or health deficiencies. Also can assist w. basic makeup , fashion styling , & eyebrow or hair removal / trims / grooming. $35 / hr for labour. Plus food or materials have very minimal extra costs, mainly just to cover themselves, - no huge markup ! Advice and basic spiritual education intertwined w many other sciences/subjects also available if required.

# personal support worker PSW
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