Confession: #72

I feel uncomfortable doing this but I have no other way of saying this. I got scammed by sweetcheeks aka Leela from Vaughn spa. I tried to contact her to talk to her but she’s been avoiding me for months and I don’t want to keep messaging her or else she’s just going to make up an excuse to say that I message too much so that’s why I made sure I kept the texts to a minimum. I’ll let her think this over and if she cares about her rep she needs to be honest. So before posting my proof (screencaps/recording and much more)of what’s she done I’ll give her 1 last week before I post it on every social media available and contact the proper people to figure out a solution. That’s my confession about SweetCheeks aka Leela from Vaughan Spa. And last thing I want to say is that it’s not right to do this to anyone, because you have know idea how a person can react. It can be no reaction which she might think is happening or it could be a bad reaction like this person doesn’t give a fuck if it causes the other person to be outed. Plus there’s things that SBJ doesn’t know about Leela which would definitely ruin there friendship!!!! I got the proof and it will be posted Feb .1/2019 if she doesn’t do the right thing by then.
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