Male massage

Male massage


Swedish relaxational male massage on a massage table. Convenient location in North York with free street parking and near the subway too. Massage is by a fit 30s male practicing massage for several years. rates are $60/hour or $90/90 minutes Mark 416-659-9315 [email protected]

My massage studio is very Zen… minimalistic, clean lines, elements from mother earth and colored with earth tones. I believe creating a place of sanctuary is just as important as amazing massage techniques. I frequently cleanse the energy in the room with sage and the smell of lavender and sometimes frankincense. One of my favorite compliments from clients as they walk into my massage space is “awww I feel better already.” Creating the illusion of the body work experience begins journey toward wellness, much like a good overture to a musical followed by the curtain drop and the reveal of the set design.

After the atmospher is created I start the massage session by inviting the body and mind to be open to the body work experience. I introduce my touch with a series of long flowing strokes from head to toe with the client face down on the massage table. Then I go right for the problematic area and work it for a while… give it a rest then work it again. I believe the psychology of the massage experience is just as importance as the actual physical technique. One's body has a natural tendancy to be whole and well. Good body work opens the client to the body's natural desire to be whole.

The final moments of the session is done with the client face up. I begin by gently working the neck, scalp, and face. The neck can hold a lot of tension and stress which is often responsible for headaches. I like working the neck with the client face up because I can use the natural weight of the head to create pressure on the tense muscles. I love a good sustained neck stretch. A scalp/face massage is a great relief for sinus issues. Once the head is done I gradually progress down to the feet working the chest, abs and legs including lots of leg stretches slowly return to the head where I finish the session.

I frequently include energy work in my sessions. It's common for me to pause and hold a constant posture on a specific area of the body for a few moments taking the energetic flow to a deeper and more trance like level. This process is very intuitive to me. I don't really think about it… or conciously try to make it happen. My spiritual energy simply goes to a very neutral place and then yields... and the universal dance begins. It creates a moment when all is perfectly whole, well and complete.
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