Book your End of week Massage now!! Mature female, lib village

Book your End of week Massage now!! Mature female, lib village


. I have been providing deep tissue relaxation and Swedish massage for over 10 years. I am a mature female who uses organic oil’s with soft hands on a sturdy massage bed. I am located in an upscale condo in Liberty Village private suite. Parking and shower is available. Respectable clients only please and thank you and ,no picture sharing ,all pics on ad. Competitive rates. My incall hours of operation are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM AND THIS SATURDAY!!!! 10-5pm- —mobile massage hours of operation are 8 PM to 11 PM Monday to Sunday downtown Toronto only ,no exceptions.

Your phone number is required for confirmation of booking. 24 hours in advance for booking some last-minute sessions are available. I require at least six hours prior to session for cancellation thank you for your consideration

I look forward to serving you
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