I've reviewed the guides in this section for attending some of the better known amps. However, at the risk of seeming naive, how do you handle the neighborhood parlor rates?
I have my favorite MT's that give extras & know how they work. I also have some Chinese therapists that may be either L-0 or L-1 that give a rate and collect it at the end of the session. In both cases, there is only one payment including any tip.
Recently, I saw an ad for an Asian massage near me. The rate was seventy per hour and fifty for a half hour. No mention was made of tips, so I thought it was a regularly priced L-0 massage.
When I got there, a girl greeted me and led me to a room. She then asked for the seventy up front and introduced me to my therapist. That was my first clue I was going to get all my muscles rubbed. The second was when the therapist did some light screening to see if I might be LE.
On the flip, she asked if I knew there was a tip involved. I told her I suspected so when the other girl collected up front and asked how much. She told me forty and up. Forty was for a HJ. I asked what up was and she said that was for when she knew me better.
I enjoyed the massage and excellent L-1 and provided the obligatory forty tip willingly and with a smile.
My question is, if you opt for a 30 minute session (paying the "house" less money), is the tip still the same amount? There is less time involved, but the other part is the same.
Thanks for your help on this & sorry to be so long winded.
I have my favorite MT's that give extras & know how they work. I also have some Chinese therapists that may be either L-0 or L-1 that give a rate and collect it at the end of the session. In both cases, there is only one payment including any tip.
Recently, I saw an ad for an Asian massage near me. The rate was seventy per hour and fifty for a half hour. No mention was made of tips, so I thought it was a regularly priced L-0 massage.
When I got there, a girl greeted me and led me to a room. She then asked for the seventy up front and introduced me to my therapist. That was my first clue I was going to get all my muscles rubbed. The second was when the therapist did some light screening to see if I might be LE.
On the flip, she asked if I knew there was a tip involved. I told her I suspected so when the other girl collected up front and asked how much. She told me forty and up. Forty was for a HJ. I asked what up was and she said that was for when she knew me better.
I enjoyed the massage and excellent L-1 and provided the obligatory forty tip willingly and with a smile.
My question is, if you opt for a 30 minute session (paying the "house" less money), is the tip still the same amount? There is less time involved, but the other part is the same.
Thanks for your help on this & sorry to be so long winded.